Saturday, January 12, 2008

One of three visually impaired people are victims of abuse in the UK

MORE than 1.2 million blind and partially sighted people in the UK have experienced physical and/or verbal abuse, according to a survey by Action for Blind People.

In one day nearly 20,000 (4%) blind and partially sighted people were physically abused, compared with less than 1% of sighted people.

In one week almost 180,000 (16%) blind and partially sighted people were verbally abused, compared with only 7% of sighted people.

The survey also revealed a visually impaired person is three times more likely than a sighted person (24% v 8%) not to know where or who to turn to, and almost twice as likely not to be taken seriously (31% v 17%) if they told anyone about their experiences.

One of the people who took part in the survey says the charity is helping rehouse her as a result of abuse and harassment.

She said: "I have had bricks and stones thrown at me, a football kicked at my face, eggs thrown at my window and kids spitting at me.”

The charity's chief executive, Stephen Remington, said: "Unfortunately, visually impaired people can be seen as vulnerable and an easy target for anti-social behaviour.

"The impact this can have on a visually impaired person, who may already feel vulnerable, can be devastating.

"Many people will be as horrified by these results as we are. All of us can play a role in helping to combat such disgusting behaviour."

If you, or anyone you know, are visually impaired and experiencing verbal and/or physical abuse contact Action for Blind People on its Freephone helpline 0800 915 4666 or visit the website:


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