Monday, December 29, 2008

Library offers the use of special magnifier to the visually impaired

A portable, electronic magnifier is now available to visually-impaired residents through Hussey-Mayfield Memorial Public Library's new equipment loan program.

Striving to provide all residents with access to the written word, the library has acquired three Bierley MonoMouse units, which project enlarged type onto a home television screen.

Resembling a super-sized computer mouse, the device is designed to easily magnify written copy as the unit is passed over the page.

Using the library's new loan program, residents with vision difficulties could have a wealth of reading material open up to them. No longer will they be forced to wait for their favorite title to come out in a large print or audio format. Now, residents will have the luxury of checking out the latest titles, including circulating magazines, and enjoying them in the comfort of their own home.

The library will loan the magnifiers to interested cardholders for 21-day intervals. Residents just need to visit the second floor circulation desk to request a MonoMouse.

Patrons may also place holds on the item through the library's online catalog at or by calling (317) 873-8341.

Virginia Hilbert is assistant department head for circulation services at the Hussey-Mayfield Memorial Public Library. Contact her at (317) 873-3149 ext. 11280 or e-mail


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